

Kalaripayattu is a martial art form from Kerala that has gained global popularity for its holistic approach to physical and mental well-being. It is a beautiful blend of meditation, physical fitness, and self-defense that helps practitioners develop strength, flexibility, and emotional peace. One of the unique aspects of Kalaripayattu is that it focuses not just on the physical body but also on the mind and spirit. Through the practice of this martial art, practitioners can learn to be more in touch with themselves and their surroundings, which can lead to a greater sense of peace and well-being. Kalaripayattu is a predetermined series of movements and postures that are performed in a ritualized sequence. This helps practitioners develop a deep sense of discipline and focus, which can be applied in all areas of life. The graceful, yet powerful movements of Kalaripayattu help to improve cardiovascular health, increase strength and flexibility, and enhance overall physical fitness. In addition to the physical benefits, Kalaripayattu is also known for its ability to promote emotional peace and well-being. The meditative aspects of this martial art help practitioners develop mindfulness and reduce stress and anxiety.


Kalaripayattu, often regarded as one of the oldest martial arts in the world, has a rich and ancient history dating back around 2500 years to the Sangha period. This traditional martial art form is deeply rooted in the cultural and historical tapestry of Kerala, a state in southern India. Exploring the origins of Kalaripayattu unveils a fascinating narrative that intertwines with mythology, spirituality, and the evolution of combat techniques. During the Sangha period, Kalaripayattu is believed to have emerged in its earliest forms, with roots embedded in the culture and practices of the time. Notably, the Sangha period saw the worship of Kottavai as the deity associated with martial arts and wars. Kottavai, representing a female concept, held a significant place in the martial traditions of that era. Over time, this deity of Palai Thina underwent a transformation and was later known as Bhadrakali after the Aryan invasion. The Sangha period was marked by various cultural expressions, and elements of martial arts were intricately woven into dance forms. Notable among these were Koravai Kooth, Porkala Kooth, and Thoonangai Kooth, considered by scholars to be early forms of what we now recognize as Kalaripayattu. These dance forms incorporated movements and techniques that laid the foundation for the development of Kalaripayattu as a distinct martial art.

One fascinating aspect of Kalaripayattu’s history is the debunking of a prevailing myth. There exists a narrative suggesting that Kalaripayattu was exclusively taught to Brahmins by the legendary Parasuraman. However, historical scrutiny challenges this narrative, highlighting the need to discard such myths to do justice to the nuanced and diverse history of Kalaripayattu. The evolution of Kalaripayattu is not confined to a specific social or religious group; instead, it reflects the multicultural fabric of ancient Kerala. The practice of Kalaripayattu transcended societal boundaries, becoming an integral part of the region’s cultural heritage. The martial art’s development was influenced by various communities, each contributing to its rich tapestry. Kalaripayattu is not merely a physical discipline; it encompasses a holistic approach that blends physical training with elements of meditation and self-defense. Practitioners of Kalaripayattu aim to develop not only physical strength and flexibility but also emotional peace through a unique focus on the mind and spirit. The practice involves predetermined movements, fostering discipline and focus applicable to daily life.

Furthermore, Kalaripayattu incorporates sequences of graceful yet powerful movements that enhance cardiovascular health. The meditative aspects of the martial art contribute to stress reduction and promote overall well-being. This holistic approach reflects the profound philosophy that underlies Kalaripayattu, emphasizing a balance between physical prowess, mental clarity, and spiritual harmony. In conclusion, Kalaripayattu stands as a testament to the enduring cultural legacy of Kerala. Its roots in the Sangha period, the worship of deities like Kottavai, and the integration of martial arts into ancient dance forms showcase the deep historical significance of this martial art. By dispelling myths and embracing the diverse cultural influences that shaped Kalaripayattu, we can appreciate its true essence and continue to preserve and promote this ancient tradition for generations to come.

Northern Style of Kalaripayattu-
Arappakai Style

Arappakai is a distinguished style within the intricate art of Kalaripayattu, originating from the southern Indian state of Kerala. Rooted in ancient tradition and steeped in cultural significance, Arappakai embodies a holistic approach to martial arts, emphasizing physical prowess, mental discipline, and spiritual growth.

At its core, Arappakai is characterized by its systematic approach to combat training, structured into four distinct phases: Meythaari, Kolthaari, Ankathaari, and Verumkai. Each phase builds upon the foundation laid by its predecessor, guiding practitioners along a transformative journey of self-discovery and mastery.

In essence, Arappakai transcends mere physical combat, serving as a pathway to self-discovery and personal growth. It instills in practitioners a deep respect for tradition, a commitment to excellence, and a profound connection between mind, body, and spirit. As practitioners progress through the phases of Arappakai, they emerge not only as skilled warriors but as individuals of exceptional character and resilience.


Meythaari in Arappaki style focuses on balance, strength, and flexibility through leg rising, postures, and Meyppayattu. Meyppayattu integrates movements to enhance stamina, concentration, and discipline, fostering a transformative journey for practitioners in both physical and mental aspects.


Kolthaari in Kalaripayattu focuses on mastering combat with wooden weapons like Panthiruchaan, Muchaan, and Otta. It challenges practitioners mentally and physically, pushing them to excel in precision strikes and advanced techniques, preparing them for intense combat engagement.


Ankathaari in Kalaripayattu marks an advanced stage where practitioners engage in combat with deadly metal weapons. It demands heightened skill, mental fortitude, and respect for tradition, shaping practitioners into skilled warriors capable of precise and disciplined combat.


Verumkai, the ultimate phase of Arappakai, focuses on unarmed combat mastery. Practitioners refine coordination, awareness, and discipline, executing precise blocks, strikes, and grappling techniques. Under the master’s guidance, they transcend physical limitations, embodying Kalaripayattu’s essence of discipline and resilience with tranquility and prowess.

Divakaran Aravind


Divakaran Aravind is a professional body kinetic artist from Kerala, who has undergone Kalaripayattu and Yoga training since the age of 16 from some of the greatest Gurukkals of India- Mr. EP Vasudevan Gurukkal, Dr. EP Shaji Vasudevan Gurukkal, and Mr. Valappil Karunan Gurukkal. Come check out Aravind Divakaran’s classes and let him guide you towards a healthier, holistic and stress free life.

15+ Years


9+ Years

Teaching Experience

Class Timings

Kids Session

Mon, Wed, Fri @ 5:00pm

Adults Session

Mon, Wed, Fri @ 7:30pm

Weekend Session

Sat, Sun @ 8am


What people say

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Julia Keys
UI Designer
Sed adipiscing adipiscing feugiat platea egestas varius eget enim laoreet pharetra, vulputate vitae elementum bibendum neque
Richard Durgan
Graphic Designer
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